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Výstupy z registru ČNHP za rok 2021: von Willebrandova choroba
The status of care for persons with von Willebrand disease registered within CNHP registry Annual Report 2021
Persons with Von Willebrand disease
Sample size
Number of patients in participating centres
Type of Von Willebrand’s disease
Sex and current age of patients
Blood group
Factor levels
Factor levels according to type of VWD, part 1
Factor levels according to type of VWD, part 2
Bleeding score1 according to sex and age
Bleeding score1 in adults according to type of disease
Concomitant diseases
Annual bleeding rate (ABR) and location of bleeds treated with factor concentrate
Consumption of VWF concentrates in year 2021
Consumption of other drugs in year 2021
Patients on permanent prophylaxis in detail