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Výstupy z registru ČNHP za rok 2017: hemofilie
The status of care for persons with haemophilia registered in the CNHP registry: Annual Report 2017
Sample size, valid records
Part A: Persons with haemophilia
Centres participating in CNHP
Basic demographics
Persons with haemophilia and inhibitors in 2017
ABR and treatment regimen in patients with inhibitor
ABR according to treatment regimen in PWH with inhibitor
Part A1: Demographic characteristics – haemophilia A
Severity of haemophilia A
Age at diagnosis according to severity of haemophilia A
Actual age according to severity of haemophilia A
Hepatitis (ever) experienced: paediatric patients, haemophilia A
Hepatitis (ever) experienced: adult patients, haemophilia A
HIV: all patients, haemophilia A
Part A2: Treatment outcomes and bleeding frequency – haemophilia A
Data from year 2017 – sample size: all patients, haemophilia A
Frequency of bleeding requiring treatment in 2017: haemophilia A
Location of bleeds in 2017: paediatric patients, haemophilia A
Location of bleeds in 2017: adult patients, haemophilia A
Preventive administration in 2017: paediatric patients, haemophilia A
Preventive administration in 2017: adult patients, haemophilia A
Part A3: ABR according to treatment regimen – haemophilia A without inhibitor
Annual bleeding rate according to treatment regimen: paediatric patients, haemophilia A
Joint and other bleeds according to treatment regimen: paediatric patients, haemophilia A
Annual bleeding rate according to treatment regimen: adult patients, haemophilia A
Joint and other bleeds according to treatment regimen: adult patients, haemophilia A
ABR according to treatment regimen and age: adult patients, haemophilia A
Joint and other bleeds according to treatment regimen and age: adult patients, haemophilia A
Part A4: ABR according to centres – haemophilia A (PWHA)
Annual bleeding rate on permanent prophylaxis: PWHA on prophylaxis, paediatric centres
Annual bleeding rate on permanent prophylaxis: PWHA on prophylaxis, adult centres
Annual bleeding rate regardless prophylaxis: PWHA, paediatric centres
Annual bleeding rate regardless prophylaxis: PWHA, adult centres
Prophylactic regimens and treatment outcomes: PWHA, paediatric centres
Prophylactic regimens and treatment outcomes: PWHA, adult centres
Type of treatment (subgroup of treated patients): paediatric patients, haemophilia A
Type of treatment (subgroup of treated patients): adult patients, haemophilia A
Part B1: Demographic characteristics – haemophilia B
Severity of haemophilia B
Age at diagnosis according to severity of haemophilia B
Actual age according to severity of haemophilia B
Hepatitis (ever) experienced: paediatric patients, haemophilia B
Hepatitis (ever) experienced: adult patients, haemophilia B
HIV: all patients, haemophilia B
Part B2: Treatment outcomes and bleeding frequency – haemophilia B
Data from year 2017 – sample size: all patients, haemophilia B
Frequency of bleeding requiring treatment in 2017: haemophilia B
Location of bleeds in 2017: paediatric patients, haemophilia B
Location of bleeds in 2017: adult patients, haemophilia B
Preventive administration in 2017: paediatric patients, haemophilia B
Preventive administration in 2017: adult patients, haemophilia B
Part B3: ABR according to treatment regimen – haemophilia B without inhibitor
Annual bleeding rate according to treatment regimen: paediatric patients, haemophilia B
Joint and other bleeds according to treatment regimen: paediatric patients, haemophilia B
Annual bleeding rate according to treatment regimen: adult patients, haemophilia B
Joint and other bleeds according to treatment regimen: adult patients, haemophilia B
Part B4: ABR according to centres – haemophilia B (PWHB)
Annual bleeding rate on permanent prophylaxis: PWHB on prophylaxis, paediatric centres
Annual bleeding rate on permanent prophylaxis: PWHB on prophylaxis, adult centres
Annual bleeding rate regardless prophylaxis: PWHB, paediatric centres
Annual bleeding rate regardless prophylaxis: PWHB, adult centres
Prophylactic regimens and treatment outcomes: PWHB, paediatric centres
Prophylactic regimens and treatment outcomes: PWHB, adult centres
Type of treatment (subgroup of treated patients): paediatric patients, haemophilia B
Type of treatment (subgroup of treated patients): adult patients, haemophilia B
Part C1: Treatment data and factor consumption – haemophilia A and B
Treatment: all patients
Treatment: paediatric patients
Treatment: adult patients
Comparison of treatment in years 2017 and 2016: all patients
Comparison of treatment in years 2017 and 2016: paediatric patients
Comparison of treatment in years 2017 and 2016: adult patients
Consumption of drugs: all patients
Consumption of drugs: paediatric patients
Consumption of drugs: adult patients